Facebook Business Pages – Why They Work

September 10, 2018

If you’re a business owner, the best and most affordable place you can market your business is on Facebook using Facebook Business Pages.  

If this in unfamiliar territory for you, you may be thinking – “seriously, isn’t social media for kids?” 

No, that’s Trix… Trix are for kids.

Social media is for everyone and by everyone we mean EVERYONE.

Over one billion people use Facebook and that number keeps climbing every day. According to the Pew Research Center (awesome people who know their stuff), “Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) now report that they are Facebook users, and roughly three-quarters of those users access Facebook on a daily basis. With the exception of those 65 and older, a majority of Americans across a wide range of demographic groups now use Facebook.”

That means adults from 18-65 are using Facebook in the United States on a regular basis; daily in most cases. With all that potential for exposure, why don’t you have a Facebook Business Page? If you do, do you know how to use it? 

Not only will having a Business Page increase your brand exposure but you can also use the page to learn about your target audience. You can communicate with them and figure out exactly who they are. Facebook Insights allow you a deeper look into the analytics of your page and can tell you who, when and how your page is being looked at. You can tell how your audience is engaging with your page and what topics spark more interest among your followers. It’s a great tool to help generate content and plan your editorial calendar. 

Facebook is also good for your Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it’s generally called. Your page can be a successful way to get people to visit your website and/or business blog. By publishing relevant content and linking it back to your website you can help drive traffic and increase your SEO rankings. 

There are several more reasons you should have a Facebook Business Page and we can walk you through all of them. Including showing you the competition – because they already have one that’s working for them. You should too and Quadsimia can help.

Give us a call or contact us. Let us know you’re interested in ‘Social Media Marketing’ and we will set up a free consultation.

Pam Mustee

Posted By: Pam Mustee

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