Large, Small, or No Budget At All: Social Media Tips and Tricks for All! (#3)

March 4, 2016

Follow us on Twitter: @quadsimia Follow us on Twitter: @quadsimia

Twitter: the breakdown

  • 320M monthly active users
  • 100M daily users
  • 500M tweets sent daily

Source: Infographic

Most people either love or hate Twitter BUT we live in an information age and #hashtags rule the world! Social Media without hashtags is like losing your glasses when they're right on top of our head. So close, yet so far away.

This post is chock full of tips and tricks to help you become a Twitter pro. Period. You better bookmark this page now, it's going to be a resource you'll want to return to.

Let's do this!


Tip: Perfect your Twitter Profile

It's pretty simple, use your real name with a real picture and treat your bio like SEO for your brand. Your username and photo are your business's unique identity on Twitter. It should help people find and identify you easily. (Twitter's new profile design dimensions: header photo = 1500 x 500 px | profile pic = 400 x 400 px.) With your bio, you have 160 characters to tell your story. Let people know what makes your business special. Do this right and you are more likely to gain quality followers.

Click to enlarge

Tip: Connect, Build, Share

Connect - reach out to new people everyday. It can be through Twitter chats, following new people, or reaching out to big influencers. It's smart to follow companies and like-minded individuals that you want to engage with.

Build - continue that engagement. This new relationship is like growing a garden. Once you plant the seed you have to continue to water it in order for it to grow.

Share - share and retweet (RT) tweets that add value to your stream. Pick a balanced mixture of content, such as articles, images, videos, and quotes.

Tip: the #Hashtag

And I re-iterate: hashtags rule the world! Using them should be a no-brainer, as they ensure that your content will be discovered. Used properly, a hashtag can help your brand reach more users and be involved with what's trending.

Twitter Trending List

Twitter's Trending List - this list shows what is most popular around you.

Tip: Scheduling

Yes, you must post frequently in order to build your brand. Twitter shares tweets chronologically so if a person is following a lot of people, they could potentially miss your tweet. Luckily, there are several tools (for Twitter, Hootsuite happens to my favorite) to allow you to schedule tweets ahead of time. Remember: Don't automate anything! It's okay to schedule tweets but Twitter users do not like it when things are automatic, and trust me, they can tell. It takes away from the identity and relationship you are trying to develop.

When building your audience, be patient. While we live in a world where instant gratification is the norm, patience with Twitter is key. Concentrate on building value through engagement and content and the rest will fall into place.

For more twitter fun, follow me using @br1twh1t and @quadsimia too!

Britney Whitney

Posted By: Britney Whitney

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